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Table of Contents

This article explains how to use APIs to creating PWA apps from a Master account available to partners.Contain FULL partner API, but you only need this API if you create apps in bulk integrated with your other software solution!!!

For standard Partner reselling of 1-5 apps a day it makes no sense to integrate this API, as it is quicker to create such apps manually. 


Overall steps

You will need to:

  1. Complete basic auth to recieve JWT tokens
  2. Refresh JWT tokens according to our general API policy, as with any other Mobsted API call
  3. Use the methods described below to create our PWAless wrapping for the websites you need.

The overall logic is on a drawing below:

Image Removed

Your partner Mobsted account has ability to create PWA container apps in two ways: 

  • inside of your partner master account, all apps will be accessible from the same account, or
  • create client accounts, and then create PWA container Wrapper apps inside those new accounts


NOTE - System app ID 1 in your Master account - is an important part of the system, which tracks all your “client accounts”, so please make sure you do not delete or modify that app in any way.


To receive JWT tokens, use the following API method with the login and password from your Mster account, an example:

GET https://ppp-admin.mbstmobsted.xyzcom/api/v8/[email protected]&password=12


Code Block
GET https://ppp-admin.mbstmobsted.xyzcom/api/v8/auth?

Where “ppp:

  • PPP-admin.




  • is the address of your server and your account at our server, provided by our team


  • "login" is the email you use to login into partner account
  • "password" is the password you use to login into partner account 

Receive access_token & refresh_token from response:


When sending the authenticated request, use it the ACESS_TOKEN in the auth header:

Code Block
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwcHAtYWRtaW4ubWJzdC54eXoiLCJuYmYiOjE1OTg0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxywidWlkIjoiMmIzZTRiN2ItODVjOC00MzEwLWE4MTctM2FlMGJiYzQyMWJmIiwic3ViIjoiYXBpIiwib2JqdXVpZCI6IiIsInVzZXJ1dWlkIjoiMTdmZWU2YTUtZDk4My00OWZkLTg4OWMtMWI1NjlkMTg3YWNmIn0.eVOoDwJ7yh_TVb2j7FW7_jsTKT_SMJ8CFL10NX6RyXQ


Code Block

Type of parameters: raw (json)

An example:


    "email": "[email protected]"


Where, email is the email of who will access this new Client Account. It has to be a new unique email for every new sub account/tenant.


Code Block
“url”: “”,

"authentication": {

     "email": "[email protected]",

                     "phone": "",

                          "password": "10ce7d73ae5fcc39g7064adc1ad03a03"


To use all other API methods, including to create an app in THAT NEW ACCOUNT, you need to receive JWT tokens for each of those accounts using the PRE-STEP above with address and login-password pair for that sub account.


#2 Creating the


Wrapper Type App in Master or Client sub-account

Call this method in the context of either Master or Client account, depending on where you wish to create a PWA container app. Meaning - use address and auth tokens of the right account (Master or Client). Use only JWT tokens from method (A) above, for the targeted account.


  • unique ID of each app, so in case you wish to store matching pairs between your clients and container apps you could use “applicationId” or “id” (these are the same).


#3 Searching for previously created sub-accounts/tenants

In case you create apps in sub accounts and do not store any info at your backend, you will need to create apps in it using those accounts login/pass pairs. To find the sub account you pre-created use the following method:
