Hashtags allow to access or reference the data on and from certain parts of Mobsted platform.

Hashtags are used in elements' properties in Constructor, API Operations, API Providers, API Methods, Filters and when sending messages to application users.

Hashtags can be created manually or automatically via Hashtag generator function in Constructor.

How and where its engaged 

Every where you see the sign # - you can call the generator and find a piece of data you need.

Hashtag generator works for the below parts and functions of the platform:

When entering Hashtags manually make sure the text contains no spaces otherwise they won't work.

Some hashtags work for app users or for platform users (admin part) only. Please, pay attention to relevant notes to the sections below.

Hashtags Usage Examples

Object's Data

Hashtags are used to display, or execute upon, Object data  from a needed column. Here is a sample of simply displaying data:

Constructor View - #Object:Name#

Application User View - resulting data pulled from Object's column "Name"

API Providers:

Hashtags are used to pass data into API call parameters, for example, #Backendname:city# in the sample below:

This sample is taken from another article - Using API calls.

Sending personalized messages to app users:

This is a sample of messaging block of the platform.

Lists of Available Hashtags 

We try to have this list up to date, however there is good chance there are more hashtag references available on the platform, as new ones are added often. 





Screen hashtags will ONLY work for app users, in API operations called by app users and in filter results requested by app user. As these need screen context.


#Variable:myvar123# - value that is stored in any variable you create in the app, in this case - "myvar123" variable. For more information on Variables, please, refer to Variables article.

Variables ONLY exist in user's session. Which means passing variable in hashtag anywhere, like to API operations or Filters, must be done from the app's user perspective. In case you need that data somewhere on a backend, you must use intermediary to store user's variables, like Lists of Tables.


This is very similar to variables, but allow to ID data from a particular element, like a button or select or text input.



Where FilterName is filter's unique name.

In the hashtags above FilterValue can have the following values:

Filter hashtags can use Self modifiers:

Self modifiers allows to set additional filtering conditions on specified Object parameters.

For example: #EventsFilter:FilterName:FilterValue:SelfData:id# will return records applicable to current Object only.

Object column referenced in Self modifier must contain data, otherwise the filter will not work.


Each filter can contain either AND or OR conditions. In order to merge OR and AND conditions use hashtags to one filter within the second filter.

Example: we created the filter that displays users with email on Mobsted OR Outlook domain, and who has US phone number.

Venn diagram demonstrating the logic of the filter on Mobsted PWA platform

#ServerSide:ObjectsFilter:Email:Data@join(",", "objects@Email")# - where "Email' is the first filter's name.

Object column for join action must contain some data, and not be empty. For example, you can use "objects@id" instead of "objects@Email" at the end of the hashtag or any other column which already participates in filtration.


Loops hashtags can be created only manually.

Example: creating a loop with Object filter reference.

Referencing Loops:

Example: displaying Objects columns which fall under Filter condition.

Resulting in the following looped data:

Также были задачи в джире - сейчас в статусе released

MOB 5292 Добавить хештег

Loop:Name:__index# в котором будет храниться НОМЕР текущего цикла итераций данного лупа.

а) Хештег должен корректно заменяться б) хештег должен присутствовать в генераторе хештегов в) хештег должен быть отражен в документации

MOB 5300

Добавить в Loop хештеги __key, __value при итерировании по Объектам + добавить возможность итерирования по объектам


Event hashtags are available in Triggers' operations only.


LastEvent hashtag returns data from last event created on app user action.

LastEvent hashtags are available everywhere except Triggers' operation.


Where OperationName – operation name assigned in the list of operations upon creation.

Example: you can ran an operation to check weather in London and recieve the following data:

"meta": [],
"data": {
"Response": {
"Result": [{
"location": {
"name": "London",
"region": "City of London, Greater London",
"country": "United Kingdom",
"lat": 51.520000000000003,
"lon": -0.11,
"tz_id": "Europe\/London",
"localtime_epoch": 1555318097,
"localtime": "2019-04-15 9:48"
"current": {
"last_updated_epoch": 1555317913,
"last_updated": "2019-04-15 09:45",
"temp_c": 9,
"temp_f": 48.200000000000003,
"is_day": 1,
"wind_mph": 15,
"wind_kph": 24.100000000000001,
"wind_degree": 90,
"wind_dir": "E",
"pressure_mb": 1023,
}, 200, { ... }],
"Code": 200
"Error": {
"Result": [],
"Code": 0

Please Note:

If you were to set up this hashtag in a weather in app, you can set up the following hashtag call in app to display : #Operation:weatherOperation:Response:Result[0]:current.temp_c#, where "current.temp_c" refers to the name of an array "current" (see ABOVE api response) and it's needed element - "temp_c".

To see which data points in API response you need to refer to, you can check the structure of the received data (after performing the operation) via Hashtag generator.

This check requires having the API method as already set in your INTEGRATION section of Mobsted. The Weather example API method is available by default.


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